Monday, 14 April 2014

Long-distance love is still love

I was talking with a friend of mine about long-distance relationships and cyber dating and she insisted that they arent successful.

'No, way could it work imagine not being able to see each other for months or weeks on end, tensions are bound to rise she strongly suggested.

I beg to differ, a relationship can not only survive the long-distance but also thrive.

Like in any relationship you need to know what you want from it as well as establish what you and your partner will need to make it work. Obviously in the early stages of your long-distance relationship you would have to decide on how you and your partner will make it work.

Communication is key in any relationship but it is even more important when it comes to long-distances. From constant calls to avid visits even skyping.
We live in a technological era where instant messeging is the order of the day from bbms to whatsapps to IM's.

Whenever you and your partner are together make memory's. Visit the zoo, go to the movies. Being together does not have to cost money. Even when apart you can still do thingr together. From dinner dates via skype to videos of exciting things that happened to you during the day.

Long-distance relationships should not be a negative thing. They can work, one can not close themselves from love just because there afraid of the distance between. Love conqures all including something as futile as distance

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